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Tópico : [BUG] CoreDev Camera Problem
Respostas : 6
Vistos : 866

[BUG] CoreDev Camera Problem em 05.07.18 20:05

é no emulador que ligar a câmera kkk

Vai em Communication\Packets\Outgoing\Handshake\UserPerksComposer.cs
logo em seguida procure por "WriteString("CAMERA");"
Você vai ver que ta assim "WriteBoolean(false);"
mude o false para true. Print: http://prntscr.com/k32y5y
Logo em seguida faça o debug.

it is in the emulator that you turn on the camera

Go to Communication \ Packets \ Outgoing \ Handshake \ UserPerksComposer.cs
then search for "WriteString("CAMERA");"
You will see that ta "WriteBoolean(false);"
change false to true. Print: http://prntscr.com/k32y5y
Then debug it.

:cheers: :like:

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