3 participantes

impeachment™ impeachment™  • 05.06.16 1:23

[AJUDA]Erro ZapCMS Empty [AJUDA]Erro ZapCMS 05.06.16 1:23

Olá amigos do Power Pixel, estou com um problema. Me ajudem?
O meu problema é o seguinte:

Olá, eu baixei a ZapCMS aqui no fórum, configurei de acordo com as imagens, mas ainda continuo com erro, veja só.

Será que é fácil resolver este erro?
Veja minhas configurações, poderá ajudar!

Meu emulador é o Comet Emulator
Minha CMS é a
Meu hotel está no
Como sei que uma imagem vale mais que mil palavras, olhe o print:

[AJUDA]Erro ZapCMS 2fdf35dcb9cab3d8d5f7fd724bac7bcd
Link: https://i.gyazo.com/2fdf35dcb9cab3d8d5f7fd724bac7bcd.gif

Olha minhas configurações:


  _____ _ _                 _            
 |_   _| | |               (_)            
   | | | | |_   _ _ __ ___  _ _ __   __ _
   | | | | | | | | '_ ` _ \| | '_ \ / _` |
  _| |_| | | |_| | | | | | | | | | | (_| |
 |_____|_|_|\__,_|_| |_| |_|_|_| |_|\__,_|
 Illumina CMS by Jonteh (https://zaphotel.net/)
 ***** Thread for updates & help: https://forum.*****.com/f353/rel-illumina-cms-php-oop-917506/
 ==================================== <<<<
 class LightCMS {
 // Database Information (IMPORTANT)
 public $db_hostname = "localhost";
 public $db_username = "root";
 public $db_password = "35795123123";
 public $db_dbname = "habbojava";
 // Password Hashing Options (IMPORTANT)
 // Valid options:
 // MD5 (Uber 1, RevCMS styled hashing)
 // Normal (Uber 2 & Illumina styled hashing)
 public $hashing_method = "Normal";
 // Site Information (IMPORTANT)
 public $site_url = "";
 public $site_name = "Hotel";
 public $site_short = "Hotel";
 public $facebook_account = "ZapHotel";
 public $twitter_account = "zaphotelnet";
 public $maintenance = false;
 public $thehabbos_enabled = true;
 public $thehabbos_username = "jontyzap";
 public $c_images = "https://swf.zaphotel.net/c_images";
 // Misc Settings
 public $pin_enabled = true;
 public $pin_code = "1234";
 public $FORCE_SSL = true;
 public $flash_client_dump = true;
 public $mus_ip = '';
 public $mus_port = '30001';
 // Registration Controls
 public $max_per_ip = 30;
 public $reg_enabled = true;
 public $default_credits = "15000";
 public $default_pixels = "15000";
 public $default_homeroom = "598898";
 public $default_look = "hd-180-2.sh-290-92.lg-275-92.ch-3030-63.hr-831-61";
 public $default_rank = "2";
 public $default_motto = "I am new at Zap, hey!";
 public $default_gender = "M";
 // Server Settings
 public $server_type = "Butterfly"; // Phoenix or Butterfly
 // Caching Settings
 public $apc_enabled = false;

 // Client Settings
 public $connection_info_host = "";
 public $connection_info_port = "3000";
 public $variables = "https://swf.zaphotel.net/gamedata/external_variables.txt";
 public $texts = "https://swf.zaphotel.net/gamedata/external_flash_texts.txt";
 public $override_texts = "https://swf.zaphotel.net/gamedata/external_flash_override_texts.txt";
 public $productdata = "https://swf.zaphotel.net/gamedata/productdata.xml";
 public $furnidata = "https://swf.zaphotel.net/gamedata/furni.xml";
 public $baseurl = "https://swf.zaphotel.net/";
 public $habbo_swf = "https://swf.zaphotel.net/CometSwf.swf";
 public $loadingtext = "Please wait! Zap is loading.";
 // o-------------------------------------------------------------o
 // o-------------------------------------------------------------o
 private $extDir = "engine/classes/ext/";
 private $classDir = "engine/classes/";
 public function exec() {
 require $this->extDir . "class_raintpl.php";
 require $this->classDir . "class_users.php";
 require $this->classDir . "class_settings.php";
 require $this->classDir . "class_core.php";
 require $this->classDir . "class_db.php";
 require $this->classDir . "class_tpl.php";
 $this->MySQLi['Hostname'] = $this->db_hostname;
 $this->MySQLi['sou bixa'] = $this->db_username;
 $this->MySQLi['Password'] = $this->db_password;
 $this->MySQLi['Database'] = $this->db_dbname;
 public static function getMainStories($amt) {
 global $db, $tpl;
 if($r = $db->query("SELECT id,title,topstory_image,snippet FROM site_news ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT " . $amt . "")) {
 $c = 0;
 while($a = $r->fetch_assoc()) {
 $disp = 'block';
 $imgurl = $a['topstory_image'];
 if($c > 0) { $disp = 'none'; }
 $_seo = $a['id'] . "-" . strtolower(str_replace(' ', '-', $a['title']));
 echo '<div class="topstory" style="background-image: url(' . $imgurl . '); display: ' . $disp . ';">
 <h4>Latest news</h4>
 <h3><a href="' . WWW . '/articles/' . $_seo . '">' . $a['title'] . '</a></h3>
 <p class="summary">
 ' . $a['snippet'] . '
 <a href="' . WWW . '/articles/' . $_seo . '">Read more »</a>
 echo '<div id="topstories-nav" style="display: none"><a href="#" class="prev">« Previous</a><span>1</span> / ' . $c . '<a href="#" class="next">Next »</a></div>';
 else {
 public static function getSubStories() {
 global $db;
 if($r = $db->query("SELECT id,title,datestr FROM site_news ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 3,3")) {
 $oE = "odd";
 while($a = $r->fetch_assoc()) {
 if($oE == "odd") { $oE = "even"; } else { $oE = "odd"; }
 $_seo = $a['id'] . "-" . strtolower(str_replace(' ', '-', $a['title']));
 echo '<li class="' . $oE . '">
 <a href="' . WWW . '/articles/' . $_seo . '">' . stripslashes($a['title']) . ' »</a><div class="newsitem-date">' . $a['datestr'] . '</div>
 else {
 public static function drawNewsList($selectedId) {
 global $db;
 if($listquery = $db->query("SELECT id,title FROM site_news ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 50")) {
 while($newslist = $listquery->fetch_assoc()) {
 $_seo = $newslist['id'] . "-" . strtolower(str_replace(' ', '-', $newslist['title']));
 if($newslist['id'] == $selectedId) {
 echo "<li>" . $newslist['title'] . "</li>";
 else {
 echo "<li><a href='" . WWW . "/articles/" . $_seo . "'>" . htmlentities(stripslashes($newslist['title'])) . "</a></li>";
 else {
 public static function getHotCampaigns() {
 global $db;
 if($get = $db->query("SELECT id,enabled,image_url,caption,descr,url FROM site_hotcampaigns ORDER BY id DESC")) {
 $oddEven = "odd";
 while($camps = $get->fetch_assoc()) {
 $imgurl = $camps['image_url'];
 $url = $camps['url'];
 if($oddEven == "odd") { $oddEven = "even"; } else { $oddEven = "odd"; }
 if($camps['enabled'] == 1) {
 echo '<li class="' . $oddEven . '">
 <div class="hotcampaign-container">
 <a href="' . $url . '">
 <img src="' . $imgurl . '" align="left" alt="' . htmlentities(stripslashes($camps['caption'])) . '"/></a>
 <h3>' . htmlentities(stripslashes($camps['caption'])) . '</h3>
 <p>' . htmlentities(stripslashes($camps['descr'])) . '</p>
 <p class="link"><a href="' . $url . '">Go there »</a></p>
 else {
 public function errorMessage($str) {
 return '<center><font color="red"><b>' . $str . '</center></font></b>';
 public function successMessage($str) {
 return '<center><font color="green"><b>' . $str . '</center></font></b>';
 public function Mus($header, $data = '') {
 $musData = $header . chr(1) . $data;
 $sock = @socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, getprotobyname('tcp'));
 @socket_connect($sock, $this->mus_ip, $this->mus_port);
 @socket_send($sock, $musData, strlen($musData), MSG_DONTROUTE);
 public static function drawBadgeList() {
 global $users, $db, $light;
 echo "<tab[b][/b]le align='center'>";
 if($bdq = $db->query("SELECT badge_id,cost FROM badge_shop")) {
 while($bdi = $bdq->fetch_assoc()) {
 if(!$users->doesUserHaveBadge(USER_ID, $bdi['badge_id'])) {
 $src = "https://";
 echo "<tr>";
 echo "<td><img src='" . $light->c_images . "/album1584/" . $bdi['badge_id'] . ".gif'></td>";
 echo "<td style='font-size:11px;'><form method='post'><input type='hidden' value='" . $bdi['badge_id'] . "' name='BadgeId'> <br />
 This badge costs " . number_format($bdi['cost']) . " coins. <br />
 <input type='submit' value='Purchase this badge'></form></td>";
 echo "</tr>";
 else {
 echo "</tab[b][/b]le>";
 public static function drawRandomHabbos() {
 global $db, $users;
 if($gethabbosq = $db->query("SELECT sou bixa FROM players WHERE online = '1' ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 18")) {
 $i = 0;
 while($randomHabbo = $gethabbosq->fetch_assoc()) {
 echo '<div id="active-habbo-data-' . $i . '" class="active-habbo-data">
 <div class="active-habbo-data-container">
 <div class="active-name ' . (($users->userVar($randomHabbo['sou bixa'], 'online') == "1") ? 'online' : 'offline') . '">' . $users->userVar($randomHabbo['sou bixa'], 'sou bixa') . '</div>
 Zap created on: ' . $users->userVar($randomHabbo['sou bixa'], 'reg_date') . '
 <p class="moto">' . $users->userVar($randomHabbo['sou bixa'], 'motto') . '</p>
 <input type="hidden" id="active-habbo-url-' . $i . '" value="' . WWW . '/user/' . $users->userVar($randomHabbo['sou bixa'], 'sou bixa') . '"/>
 <input type="hidden" id="active-habbo-image-' . $i . '" class="active-habbo-image" value="https://avatar-retro.com/habbo-imaging/avatarimage?figure=' . $users->userVar($randomHabbo['sou bixa'], 'figure') . '&direction=4&head_direction=4" />';
 public static function drawStaffPageForRank($rankno) {
 global $db, $light, $users;
 if($getranks = $db->query("SELECT sou bixa FROM players WHERE rank = '" . $rankno . "' ORDER BY id ASC")) {
 $oddEven = "fff";
 while($udata = $getranks->fetch_assoc()) {
 if($oddEven != "E6E6E6") {
 $oddEven = "E6E6E6";
 else {
 $oddEven = "fff";
 $u = $udata['sou bixa'];
 $displayname = $u;
 $getBadge = $db->query("SELECT badge_code FROM player_badges WHERE player_id = '" . $users->userVar($u, 'id') . "' AND slot = '1' LIMIT 1");
 while($bI = $getBadge->fetch_assoc()) {
 $usersBadge = $bI['badge_code'];
 if($users->userVar($u, 'online') == "1") { $online = "online_anim"; } else { $online = "offline"; }
 echo '<tab[b][/b]le width="107%" style="padding: 5px; margin-left: -15px; background-color: #' . $oddEven . '; font-size:11px;">
 <td valign="middle" width="25">
 <img style="margin-top: -10px;" src="https://avatar-retro.com/habbo-imaging/avatarimage?figure=' . $users->userVar($u, 'figure') . '">
 <td valign="top">
 <img src="' . WWW . '/images/habbo_' . $online . '.gif" align="left"><b style="font-size: 110%;"><a href="' . WWW . '/user/' . $u . '">' . $displayname . '</a></b><br /><br />
 Motto: <i>' . $users->userVar($u, 'motto') . '</i> <br />';
 if(!empty($usersBadge)) {
 echo '<img src="' . $light->c_images . '/album1584/' . $usersBadge . '.gif">'; }
 echo '</td>
 else {
 echo "<i>There are currently no staff members for this group.</i>";
 public static function getWallComments($pageid) {
 global $db, $light, $users;
 $getComments = $db->query("SELECT id, poster_id, message, likes FROM profile_wall WHERE page_id = '" . $pageid . "' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 10");
 echo '<tab[b][/b]le style="font-size:11px;">';
 while($cData = $getComments->fetch_assoc()) {
 $sou bixa = $users->userVar($users->idToName($cData['poster_id']), 'sou bixa');
 echo "<tr>";
 echo "<td><img src='https://avatar-retro.com/habbo-imaging/avatarimage?figure=" . $users->userVar($sou bixa, 'figure') . "&gesture=sml&size=m'><br /><center><a href='" . WWW . "/user/" . $sou bixa . "'><b>" . $sou bixa . "</b></a>";
 if($pageid == USER_ID || USER_RANK > 10) {
 echo "<br /><br /><a href='" . WWW . "/user/" . $users->idToName($pageid) . "&deleteComment=" . $cData['id'] . "'>Delete</a>";
 echo "</center></td>";
 echo "<td>" . htmlentities(stripslashes($cData["message"]));
 echo "</td>";
 echo "</tr>";
 echo "</tab[b][/b]le>";
 public static function getUnreadCount($userid) {
 global $db;
 $query = $db->query("SELECT null FROM profile_wall WHERE page_id = '" . $userid . "' AND owner_read = '0' LIMIT 10");
 return $query->num_rows;
 public static function getOnlineFriends($userid) {
 $friendsList = array();
 global $db, $users;
 $getFriends = $db->query("SELECT * FROM messenger_friendships WHERE user_one_id = '" . $userid . "' OR user_two_id = '" . $userid . "'");
 while($friends = $getFriends->fetch_assoc()) {
 if($friends['user_one_id'] != $userid && $friends['user_two_id'] == $userid) {
 if(in_array($friends['user_one_id'], $friendsList))
 $friendsList[] = $friends['user_one_id'];
 else if($friends['user_two_id'] != $userid && $friends['user_one_id'] == $userid) {
 if(in_array($friends['user_two_id'], $friendsList))
 $friendsList[] = $friends['user_two_id'];
 $friendCount = count($friendsList);
 if($friendCount > 0) {
 $noFriends = true;
 for($i = 0; $i <= $friendCount; $i++) {
 $sou bixa = @$users->idToName($friendsList[$i]);
 if($users->userVar($sou bixa, 'online') == 1) {
 echo "<a href='" . WWW . "/user/" . $sou bixa . "'><img src='https://avatar-retro.com/habbo-imaging/avatarimage?figure=" . $users->userVar($sou bixa, 'figure') . "&gesture=wav&size=s'></a>";
 $noFriends = false;
 if($noFriends) {
 echo "<i>This user does not have any friends online.</i>";
 else {
 echo "<i>This user does not have any friends.</i>";
 public static function displayUserBadges($userid) {
 global $db, $light;
 $querye = $db->query("SELECT badge_code FROM player_badges WHERE player_id = '" . $userid . "'");
 while($badges = $querye->fetch_assoc()) {
 echo "<img src='" . $light->c_images . "/album1584/" . $badges['badge_code'] . ".gif'>";
 public function isVotingOnline() {
 return @fsockopen("", 80, $errno, $errstr, 1) ? true : false;

Desde já obrigado. Aguardarei respostas!

Última edição por impeachment™ em 05.06.16 1:27, editado 1 vez(es)

iJhefeX iJhefeX  • 05.06.16 1:26

[AJUDA]Erro ZapCMS Empty Re: [AJUDA]Erro ZapCMS 05.06.16 1:26

Qual seu erro exatamente? Explique por favor para que possamos lhe ajudar.

impeachment™ impeachment™  • 05.06.16 1:28

[AJUDA]Erro ZapCMS Empty Re: [AJUDA]Erro ZapCMS 05.06.16 1:28

iJhefeX escreveu:Qual seu erro exatamente? Explique por favor para que possamos lhe ajudar.

Eu clico para entrar no meu site que é o local, mas ele redireciona para o site do zap hotel, pelo incrível que pareça!

[AJUDA]Erro ZapCMS 2fdf35dcb9cab3d8d5f7fd724bac7bcd

iJhefeX iJhefeX  • 05.06.16 1:42

[AJUDA]Erro ZapCMS Empty Re: [AJUDA]Erro ZapCMS 05.06.16 1:42

Se tiver Hamachi, tenta mudar o link para o Hamachi (Ou cPanel/VPS) caso ainda continue, procura algo nesses diretórios "class_raintpl.php"; "class_users.php"; "class_settings.php"; "class_core.php"; "class_db.php"; "class_tpl.php"

Pesc Pesc  • 08.06.16 3:30

[AJUDA]Erro ZapCMS Empty Re: [AJUDA]Erro ZapCMS 08.06.16 3:30

[alerta=[AJUDA]Erro ZapCMS SsYaM5b
Motivo: Autor abandonou o tópico! [/alerta]
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