Bug No Alerta de eventos

4 participantes

Luan Martins Luan Martins  • 14.01.16 14:20

Bug No Alerta de eventos Empty Bug No Alerta de eventos 14.01.16 14:20

Print de meu erro: https://i.imgur.com/5JtV4oX.png

Qual é meu erro: Bug No Alerta de eventos

CMS Que estou utilizando: Qual CMS está utilizando Peeta v20

SWF que estou utilizando: Qual SWF está utilizando Peta v2.0

Versão de meu hotel: NewCrypto

Alguem sabe como resolvo isso?

Bug No Alerta de eventos 5JtV4oX

M3G4 M3G4  • 14.01.16 14:23

Bug No Alerta de eventos Empty Re: Bug No Alerta de eventos 14.01.16 14:23

Olá amigo tente ver em sua DB em server_text se está configurado, corretamente para produzir o comando citado

Luan Martins Luan Martins  • 14.01.16 14:29

Bug No Alerta de eventos Empty Re: Bug No Alerta de eventos 14.01.16 14:29

Man, não encontrei essa tabela no meu banco, estou usando o banco que veio no pacote peta, e qual seria a configuração correta? 

Bug No Alerta de eventos Sem_t%C3%ADtulo

L0y3r L0y3r  • 14.01.16 15:15

Bug No Alerta de eventos Empty Re: Bug No Alerta de eventos 14.01.16 15:15

Execute essa sql na sua database. 

INSERT INTO `server_text` (`name`, `text`) VALUES

('alert_event_title', 'Event!'),
('ha_event_two', 'Go Fast! The Event can Be Fulled Soon!'),
('alert_event_goRoom', 'Go to room'),
('ha_event_three', 'More Details:'),
('ha_event_one', 'New Event in the Room Of'),
('alert_event_message', 'You can use {username} and {extrainfo}.');

The Flash The Flash  • 14.01.16 15:17

Bug No Alerta de eventos Empty Re: Bug No Alerta de eventos 14.01.16 15:17

L0y3r escreveu:Execute essa sql na sua database. 

INSERT INTO `server_text` (`name`, `text`) VALUES

('alert_event_title', 'Event!'),
('ha_event_two', 'Go Fast! The Event can Be Fulled Soon!'),
('alert_event_goRoom', 'Go to room'),
('ha_event_three', 'More Details:'),
('ha_event_one', 'New Event in the Room Of'),
('alert_event_message', 'You can use {username} and {extrainfo}.');

1: saudades créditos
2: ele acabou de falar que não tem essa tabela.

Megalodonte, execute o seguinte:

INSERT INTO `server_langs` VALUES ('150', 'english', 'alert_event_message', 'Há um evento nestemomento!<br><br><b>Feito por:</b>{username}<br><b>Informações do evento:</b>{extrainfo}<br><br>Para ir no evento clique em "Vá ao quarto".');

M3G4 M3G4  • 14.01.16 15:21

Bug No Alerta de eventos Empty Re: Bug No Alerta de eventos 14.01.16 15:21

Megvcitor... escreveu:
L0y3r escreveu:Execute essa sql na sua database. 

INSERT INTO `server_text` (`name`, `text`) VALUES

('alert_event_title', 'Event!'),
('ha_event_two', 'Go Fast! The Event can Be Fulled Soon!'),
('alert_event_goRoom', 'Go to room'),
('ha_event_three', 'More Details:'),
('ha_event_one', 'New Event in the Room Of'),
('alert_event_message', 'You can use {username} and {extrainfo}.');

1: saudades créditos
2: ele acabou de falar que não tem essa tabela.

Megalodonte, execute o seguinte:

INSERT INTO `server_langs` VALUES ('150', 'english', 'alert_event_message', 'Há um evento nestemomento!<br><br><b>Feito por:</b>{username}<br><b>Informações do evento:</b>{extrainfo}<br><br>Para ir no evento clique em "Vá ao quarto".');

Dependendo do emulador essa sql não ira pegar  kk 

Sql da server_text (Caso não Pegue):

CREATE tab[b][/b]le IF NOT EXISTS `server_text` ( `name` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `text` varchar(255) NOT NULL, KEY `name` (`name`), KEY `text` (`text`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; -- -- Fazendo dump de dados para tabela `server_text` -- INSERT INTO `server_text` (`name`, `text`) VALUES ('addstaffpick_error_1', 'You do not have permission to do that yet!'), ('alert_event_goRoom', 'Go to room'), ('alert_event_message', 'You can use {username} and {extrainfo}.'), ('alert_event_title', 'Event!'), ('bliep_wisselkoers_uitgeschakeld', 'Habbo has temporarily disabled the exchange of coins!'), ('bot_error_1', 'You can''t place your bot here.'), ('bot_give_handitem', 'Here you go !'), ('buddy_error_1', 'Could not remove someone, they are set to your relationship!'), ('character_error_plus', 'No puedes colocar ninguna palabra que tenga un '' + '' por asuntos técnicos.'), ('cmd_succesfully', 'Commando is succesvol uitgevoerd'), ('cmd_update_achievements_desc', ':refresh_achievements'), ('cmd_update_bannedhotels_desc', ':refresh_banned_hotels'), ('cmd_update_catalogue_desc', ':refresh_catalogue (Refresht catalogus)'), ('cmd_update_extra_desc', ':refresh_extrathings (Refresht extra)'), ('cmd_update_groups_desc', ':refresh_groups (Refresht alle groepen)'), ('cmd_update_items_desc', ':refresh_items (Refresht alle items)'), ('cmd_update_navigator_desc', ':refresh_navigator (Refresht navigator)'), ('cmd_update_polls _desc', ':refresh_polls'), ('cmd_update_promo_desc', ':refresh_promos'), ('cmd_update_quest_desc', ':refresh_quest (Refresht Quest)'), ('cmd_update_ranks_desc', ':refresh_ranks (Refresht alle ranks)'), ('cmd_update_settings_desc', ':refresh_settings (Refresht alle instellingen..)'), ('cmd_update_song_desc', ':refresh_songs (Refresht alle songs)'), ('cmd_update_texts_desc', ':refresh_text (Refresht alle texts..)'), ('command_badge_give_done', 'User had now the badge!'), ('command_badge_invalid', 'Je moet wel een geldige badge naam geven !'), ('command_badge_remove_done', 'Badge removed from user!'), ('command_badge_remove_error', 'User doesnt own this badge'), ('command_ban_user_no_reason', 'De moderator heeft geen reden gegeven voor de ban!'), ('command_dance_false', 'Je kunt alleen een dans ID geven tussen 0 en 4!'), ('command_dance_wrong_syntax', 'Nummer moet tussen de 1 en 4 zijn.'), ('command_diamonds_one_give', 'You''ve been given <b>'), ('command_diamonds_two_give', '</b> Diamonds by Staff.'), ('command_error_teleport_enable', 'Teleport is enabled please turn it off to use this command!'), ('command_group_delete_confirm', 'Wil je echt je groep verwijderem? Deze is niet meer terug te krijgen! Om dit te bevestigen typ je het volgende '':deletegroup yes'''), ('command_group_has_no_room', 'Deze kamer heeft (nog) geen groep.'), ('command_group_no_owner', 'Je bent niet de eigenaar van deze kamer!'), ('command_group_remove', 'Kamer is verwijderd!'), ('command_group_yes', 'yes'), ('command_ip_ban_error', 'reason and username are required'), ('command_kick_user_mod', 'Je bent uit de kamer gekickt door een moderator met de volgende reden : '), ('command_kick_user_mod_default', 'Je bent uit de kamer gekickt door een moderator.'), ('command_kick_user_not_in_room', 'user is not in room!'), ('command_kill_user', 'Test Kill '), ('command_mass_credits_one_give', 'You''ve been given <b>'), ('command_mass_credits_two_give', '</b> credits by Staff.'), ('command_pull_error_far_away', 'User is too far away to pull.'), ('command_pull_error_own', 'You can''t pull yourself!'), ('command_push_error_own', 'You can''t push yourself!'), ('command_push_user', '{0} no est\\x00e1 tan cerca.'), ('command_redeem_credits', 'All credits were succesfully converted!'), ('command_setmax_error_max', 'Je kunt alleen 100 gasten istellen als maximum.'), ('command_setmax_error_min', 'Je kunt alleen 10 gasten instellen als minimum.'), ('command_setmax_error_number', 'You must enter a number to set'), ('command_setspeed_error_numbers', 'Alleen nummers!'), ('command_user_error', 'An error has just occured.'), ('enter_amount', 'You need to enter an amount!'), ('enter_badge_code', 'You must enter a badge code!'), ('enter_numbers', 'Numbers Only!'), ('enter_username', 'Please enter a UserName'), ('error_creating_gift', 'error_creating_gift'), ('forums_cancel', 'You can not post to this topic because it is hidden and) / or blocked! Please click ''Cancel''.'), ('gifts_four', 'An error has occurred, please so inform the technician. The error is: RoomGift is null.'), ('gifts_one', 'You''re opening presents too fast! Please wait a bit before opening another. This is done for safety.'), ('gifts_three', 'An error has occurred, please so inform the technician. The error is: You can not open gifts.'), ('gifts_two', 'An error has occurred, please so inform the technician. The error is: Room is null.'), ('group_leave_owner', 'You can''t leave a group if you are the creator!'), ('has_no_badge', 'User has not this badge!'), ('ha_disconnect', 'You are not allowed to disconnect that user.'), ('ha_event_one', 'New Event in the Room Of'), ('ha_event_three', 'More Details:'), ('ha_event_two', 'Go Fast! The Event can Be Fulled Soon!'), ('ha_notfound', 'User not found.'), ('ha_title', 'Notification of the Staff'), ('help_information_error', 'Er is een fout opgetreden!'), ('help_information_error_rank_low', 'Je hebt een hogere rank nodig.'), ('horse_error_1', 'You are unable to ride this horse.\\nThe owner of the pet has not selected for anyone to ride it.'), ('horse_error_2', 'Could not dismount this horse - You are not riding it!'), ('horse_handitem_error', 'You can not do that while riding a Horse!'), ('include_username_reason', 'You must include a Username and reason!'), ('invalid_input', 'invalid_input'), ('invalid_room_length', 'Invalid room length'), ('kick_mod_room_message', 'You have been kicked by an moderator: {0}'), ('kil_command_error_1', 'User is not beside you.'), ('kil_command_error_2', 'You can not kill someone who already lies/sits.'), ('left_something_empty', 'You left something empty.'), ('lovelock_error_1', 'You and your friend must stand side by side to the Lovelock!'), ('lovelock_error_2', 'You can''t lock your friendship to that partner! Please choose another one.'), ('lovelock_error_3', 'You can''t use this lovelock for some reason. Please report it.'), ('monsterplant_error_1', 'Sorry, but you can''t do this.'), ('monsterplant_error_2', 'Sorry, but your monsterplant is not valid to be compost.'), ('monsterplant_error_3', 'Your monsterplant must be dead to do this!'), ('monsterplant_error_4', 'Sorry, but there isn''t any compost furniture in the database! Please report it to an administrator.'), ('monsterplant_error_5', 'The compost couldn''t be placed in the room but we sent it to your inventory.'), ('monsterplant_error_6', 'You can''t move pets in this room.'), ('monsterplant_error_7', 'You can only move Monsterplants.'), ('monsterplant_error_8', 'You can''t place your monsterplant here.'), ('navigator_max', 'The Max Saved Searches has Reached'), ('nieuwe_gebruiker_kado_error_1', 'Sorry, but NUX gifts are not enabled!'), ('nieuwe_gebruiker_kado_error_2', 'You already got your gifts. You can''t get them again!'), ('no_room_rights_error', 'No puedes darle permisos.'), ('regen_maps_refresh', 'The room map has been refreshed!'), ('room_information', 'ROOM INFORMAtiON'), ('room_moodlight_one_allowed', 'You already have a moodlight'), ('room_owner_has_mute_user', '¡El dueño de la Sala te ha muteado por {0} minutos!'), ('room_toner_one_allowed', 'Alleen 1 kamerachtergrond per kamer'), ('room_trade_disabled', 'Trading is disabled for this room.'), ('room_trade_disabled_hotel', 'Habbo has disabled trading for the whole hotel.'), ('room_trade_disabled_mod', 'Je kunt niet meer ruilen dit is uitgeschakeld door een moderator. Deze verloopt op:'), ('room_trade_disabled_no_rights', 'You need rights to trade in this room!'), ('server_shutdown', 'The server is shutting down. What are you doing?'), ('staff_gives_credits', '{0} gave you {1} credits :3'), ('staff_gives_diamonds', '{0} gave you {1} Diamonds :3'), ('staff_gives_duckets', '{0} gave you {1} Duckets :3'), ('start_quest_need_room', 'Go to a room to start the quest!'), ('summon_yourself', 'You cannot summon yourself, you''re already there.'), ('user_check_rights_error', 'Ocurrix00f3 un error.'), ('user_create_room_flood_error', 'Please wait 20 seconds before creating the next room!'), ('user_credits_convert', 'All credits were succesfully converted!'), ('user_delete_group', 'user_delete_group'), ('user_delete_group_no_group', 'This room does not have a group.'), ('user_delete_group_no_group_owner', 'You do not own this room!'), ('user_earn_badge', 'Je hebt een badge ontvangen! Kijk in je inventaris.'), ('user_floor_editor_error', 'El modelo que has elegido tiene carácteres no válidos. Recuerda meterlos en minúscula y de a-k (x).'), ('user_floor_editor_save', 'Your new floorplan was saved! Your room was unloaded for applying changes.'), ('user_friend_request_max', 'Tienes muchos amigos! No puedes tener más'), ('user_group_owner_error', 'Uhm, looks like youre not the owner of the group. Anyway, you received a Group Forum Terminal, which would work only when the owner of the group buys a forum.'), ('user_has_more_then_75_rooms', 'You can''t have more than 75 rooms. Try to delete some rooms!'), ('user_info_all', 'User Info for {0}:\\rUser ID: {1} \\rRank: {2} \\rCredits: {3} \\rDuckets: {4} \\rDiamonds: {5}'), ('user_info_credits', 'Credits'), ('user_info_diamonds', 'Diamonds'), ('user_info_duckets', 'Duckets'), ('user_info_rank', 'Rank'), ('user_info_u', 'User info for'), ('user_info_userid', 'User ID'), ('user_is_admin', 'Group Admin'), ('user_is_higher_rank', 'You are not allowed to kick this user!'), ('user_is_not_his_room', 'No puedes hacer esto en una Sala que no es tuya...'), ('user_is_not_in_room', 'You must be in room to save these changes.'), ('user_is_not_vip', 'Please buy VIP to use this command!'), ('user_not_found', 'Unable to find the user you specified.'), ('user_room_model_error', 'I cant create your room with that model!'), ('user_room_mute_bots', 'We hebben de wijziging doorgevoerd!'), ('user_room_video_false', 'Er is een fout opgetreden!'), ('user_room_video_true', 'Je Youtube video is nu beschikbaar voor iedereen!'), ('user_send_gift', 'Youre purchasing gifts too fast! Please wait 15 seconds, then you purchase another gift.'), ('user_send_gift_effect', 'You cant send effects as gifts.'), ('user_setmax_100', 'El mx00e1ximo es 100'), ('user_setmin_10', 'El mx00ednimo es 10'), ('user_viking_error', '¡Lo sentimos! Esta cabaña Vikingo ya ha sido quemada y no hay marcha atrás!'), ('user_wired_con_date_range', 'user_wired_con_date_range'), ('use_the_command_as', 'Use the command as: '), ('viking_burn_started', '{0} ha empezado a quemar una cabaña vikingo de tu Sala!'), ('youtube_url', 'only youtube.com'), ('youtube_url_two', 'please use only youtube as link'), ('cmd_settings_succesfully', 'Settings zijn vernieuwd.'), ('user_invisible', 'In next room you enter you will be invisible.');

Luan Martins Luan Martins  • 14.01.16 15:32

Bug No Alerta de eventos Empty Re: Bug No Alerta de eventos 14.01.16 15:32

podem fechar o topico, muito obrigado vcs 3

The Flash The Flash  • 14.01.16 15:34

Bug No Alerta de eventos Empty Re: Bug No Alerta de eventos 14.01.16 15:34

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